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The Books

Book Part I Available on the SEED Shop

The Seed Movement: Created In Divine Choreography written in Heaven - Order now our Paperback book on the SEED Store.
Dedicated to Philip Jones


This is a unique book. It credits no single person as the author. It begins with one woman’s heart, one woman’s story, gathers souls along its telling, and it ends in the collective heart of the world. This book is about love in all its magnificence, created in Heaven, that settles to Earth in words, music, stories, and pictures. 

This book is a reminder from the heavenly realm. Even if you do not believe in Heaven, it is still a reminder of who you truly are on Earth. You will remember that you carry a seed for love inside your heart, a seed that plants itself in the heart of every human being on Earth. That seed can grow into a true and free life of joy, love, peace, and purpose, the life you came here to live. If these lines resonate in your heart, then join in the journey. 

This is an invitation.

There is not much you need to do because you are so much more lovely than you understand; you are so much more magical than you are aware; you are so much more loving than you realize. Just claim your invitation and cultivate a state of openness, of wanting to know more. This state of wanting to know more will activate your curiosity. This curious state of being will lead you to a different and higher vibration.

It will lead you to love.

Slowly, you can abandon old, learned, and conditioned ways. You can see life with new eyes. Are you ready? Close your eyes. Open your heart. Ignite your imagination. Feel your way through life to create what you want to see around you. 

You can create now with one another. Together.

What if you are here on this Earth to find a peaceful, healed, and balanced state of being, a state called love?  What if you are taught so many wonderful things about the planet, about our physical bodies, about our economics, yet you are not taught the most important reason you are born? What if you are born to learn how to hold the vibration of love and carry it firmly with you on your life’s journey?

This extraordinary little seed of love was planted in you to nurture. You can discover the simplest ways to find your life’s purpose, to heal and to lift your vibration until you see past the horizon into the secrets of life.

Imagine…Take a deep breath. Decide to choose your highest and best life.

You are invited to join in a divinely choreographed dance towards another perspective. Choose to let go of judgment and to expand past definitions into universal acceptance. Science has now declared it understands the scientific formula for one to hold love. To love is to hold a high vibration. A frequency. A resonance. Reaching the destination looks like forgiveness, love, understanding, balance, peace, and harmony.

What will your heart choose?

Book Part II Available on the SEED Shop

The Seed Movement: Created In Divine Choreography written in Heaven - Part II - Order now our Paperback book on the SEED Store.
Dedicated to God

The Seed Part Two

This second book is dedicated to God.

The writing of the first book carries us through the story illuminating us in a way that is open and inviting. Expressing all ways, ideas and beliefs. We will continue this second book in that same energy, however, if you are reluctant when you read the parts that include God, then perhaps ask yourself why. While your heart feels its way through, the story can include father sky, or the creator, mother Earth or source energy. For the Seed Movement to be authentic and in our individual and personal essence we would like to bring our relationship to God, not necessarily to religion but to the intimate connection with ourselves that cultivates the stepping stones to be close to God our creator.

Becoming aware of the lower energy and reactions in our hearts is the first step towards lifting away anything that keeps all of us from our limitless way of being love. For Lincoln, Philip and myself we are wanting to openly write about our love for ourselves, for one another, the beautiful and ever growing seed team and the way we love God throughout the journey.

For all of us we embrace God our father with all of our hearts and continue the journey of becoming the conduit for the purity that he emanates. If you are experiencing God for the first time we anticipate real transformation for your soul as this will be the deepest connection you feel while alive, whatever that may look like.

At this time on the planet, would it hurt to try?


This story celebrates the participation of every soul on the Earth. It becomes the melody, if desired, by the soul experiencing it. A melodic beat to the divine drum, one that celebrates and surrenders each personal unique symphony. A sequence that unravels in words, phrases, lyrics and moments which become the soul symphony of the living, breathing, creation of humanity itself.

We have all, at this time, chosen to participate.

We participate uniquely, each creating the reality that is simply best suited for our personal journey and the creation that is best for us to unlearn at this time. Our new rebirth of authenticity, of meaningful movements assist us in the flow of unity consciousness bringing us towards a new paradigm. We gently arrive into an exciting new Earth. A new World. A new vibrant and uplifting way of Being.

Being divinely connected. It is an exciting time to be alive indeed!

We are now creating unique experiences which will eventually lead us to love.

By allowing ourselves the invitation of divine intelligence to settle in, we receive our greatest lessons, our greatest experiences and transformations. In these moments what do we choose?

Choice can be a beautiful experience; if you allow it to be free. If you allow for it to be with you in a free flowing energetic state. Choice doesn’t have to be a covenant. It does not have to be yes or no, black or white or even right or wrong, it can simply be. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you move or even the way you love.

One step, one note. One turn, one beat. One dip, one octave. One twirl, one song.

The universal song illustrates the choices of our hearts. If we choose to communicate with other people’s hearts instead of their minds, it will free us all. If the choice is to speak to the heart, within yourself and then to others, you will witness the beautiful expression of creation like a field of the highest consciousness.

New Book. Coming soon...

Book Part III

Dedicated to Queen Romana Didulo

The Practice

The first book creates an invitation


This invitation is between a soul and the divine spark it was created in. The spark of life comes from God. The invitation is between you and your highest version of yourself where you meet and connect with God, our heavenly father. Once we invite the light, the divine energy and then and only then, is the higher self discovered. 

The second book is one of pure participation

We begin to participate with awareness, lifting the layers that keep us from deeply connecting to God. As we lift, we participate with Source and the celestial beings of the light form to alleviate and break free from all of our lower energies. When this happens throughout our journeys we increase our energy, our vitality and our field of light or as we have identified in the first two Seed books the light that emanates from our vessel. This is the participation that will lead us to find a way to soul purification and soul freedom. 

When a person lets go of what they think they need, a shift happens in what they want. The desire of wanting in life becomes the verb of BEing. Our usual and frequently programmed expectations that keep us attached to things to people and to places and even memories and experiences slowly untangle as we allow ourselves to beautifully BE. 

Ask yourself “how do I simply BE?”

AM I authentic? 

AM I playful? 

AM I  joyous? 

AM I grateful? 

AM I aware? 

AM I love? 


This may assist us in letting go of our egoic selves, stepping into a deeper relationship that doesn’t hold the needs, the wants, the expectations and our deep attachments. The “I AM’s”  then enter freedom of soul where we can all gracefully connect to God. One God who will assist in the transformation of Earth and all it inhabits. 

You may be asking yourself how can I, personally,  become an I AM? It is said that God’s name carries the essence of I AM. When we can hold this statement and finish the sentence we are empowered to carry our intention in the highest form of action. Practicing this daily assists us in feeling it on a deeper level. I AM love. 

The third book encapsulates the practice that unfolds once you have invited and participated. 

This is your calling to now refine the connection on the Earth to God in a way that clarifies how we will thrive as we free our souls and co create a new way to exist. The practice is necessary to guide us away from the entanglement that the darkness has inflicted upon us over many lifetimes.

We have all chosen this lifetime to overcome karmic contracts as well as the lower emotions of fear, hate, anger, greed, selfishness, guilt, anxiety, perfectionism, and deep depression as well as sadness. These emotions can and are leading to the actions of separation, murder, rape, perversion, manipulation, suppression, control, tyranny, deception and demonic ways.

All of these lower emotions and actions feed the parasites, the illuminati and cabal the root of all evil. These are the former rulers of our Earth. Therefore, the practice becomes our guide to lift us out of the old paradigm that holds us. We are here now to break free and illuminate ourselves and invite, participate and practice our connection to God and Source. It has been written in the stars. 

When we begin the journey, we dance in team play through life on Earth. This is the most challenging book to dive into. It can also be the most rewarding. If, that is, you are able to allow yourself to simply be. 

You will need to remove your layers of ego to get to the place of allowing yourself to be. To observe, to allow and to deeply accept yourself and all that surrounds you. 

You will then and only then create a conduit of your actual self; where nothing sticks to you any longer, instead it flows through so comfortably that you are feeling light and buoyant and so close to God. 

This is where your multidimensional lens begins to come to life. It is a great gift from God. It is an honor to see from a lens that shows infinite meanings, infinite layers, and infinite possibilities. 

A lens that sees just how much God loves each one of us. 

The Seed Films

Created in Divine Choreography

The Films


“Just count backwards from twenty. Okay, sweetheart?” I looked up then at the nurse whose head was framed by the bright white ceiling of the surgical room. As I lay on the hard, cold table dressed in a sheet and a partial hospital gown, I took a deep breath, started counting, and drifted off into a state of pure light.

Then suddenly energy burst around me. I was unconscious, but somehow, I felt conscious and aware. How could this be? What was happening? I saw sparks all around me and felt a sense of explosion, my being shooting upwards like a rocket ship. It was at once exciting and serene; a sense of relief overcame me.

I was floating in what felt like a state of love and awareness of many Archangels who seemed to be in celebration while they were greeting me with feelings of recognition, gratitude and forgiveness all at once. It became clear to me then that my personal negativity – fear, confusion, uneasiness and uncertainty – started lifting off me like a stain being completely carried away.

Once this process of lifting was over, I remained in a state of simple love, understanding, and pure joy. It was a great relief from what I felt prior to counting backwards on the surgical table. In fact, those moments just before my heart procedure now felt so very far away. It was such a drastic contrast for me to understand. I can in these moments only be present. So, recalling anything from before I floated away from the three-dimensional world was fading quickly. I was lifted to another dimension where I was placed gently with many angelic beings who all showed me through telepathy and symbols – almost like a movie trailer – why I chose to come to this particular lifetime. There is no other way to say this: it was as if instead of having a conversation with them, I simply received knowledge instantly. I saw many souls who surrounded me in other lifetimes, a soul cluster, and I understood why they were important in this particular life. There were exactly 144 people in my soul cluster. It made perfect sense to me as I could then feel it in every cell of my being. It felt like the most natural soul connections and it was clear then how I was connected to these souls that I either knew already or would meet very soon. These souls would indeed find me so that we could try to accomplish our mission on earth together as ONE. Every soul on earth came with a mission or multiple missions and the feeling of oneness overcame me like a great idea wrapped in joy.

The senses were so heightened in this state of being that I did not need much to understand. One did not have to have this proof that we feel in three-dimensional earth but rather a knowing of what was to come and an allowance of my soul to accept this. A gentle release travelled from my mind into my heart. I then understood that even though I did not want to go back to being without this enveloping state of energies and love, I needed to do just that. I was shown I would be given a beautiful gift in the near future, a being that would help me release my ego self and the negative vibrations that I was holding to become a free soul. Only then would I feel my way through the journey of creating, not a new way of being, but simply an organic and natural way of being, unbound. I then felt a sinking feeling as my skin or shell surrounded me like a soft blanket. I awoke with some pain, vomiting from the medications. My mother was there next to me with a friend who would help her care for me after this procedure. I understood I was in heart surgery and had a knowing that there were complications before I was told by the doctors. An accidental hole placed in my heart wall would be the -cause of the near death, but of course it was always meant to be. I needed some help getting back to my true soul and finding my way back to free soul in a world that taught us the opposite of what I felt across the veil. Was this going to be easy? No. But, perhaps it would be possible after my heavenly healing.

Those seven and a half minutes seemed like a lifetime. This story unfolds many miracles, with magic and beautiful synchronicity, all of the while being guided by the heavenly realms and our creator. It will tell the beautiful story of self-worth, of healing, and the invitation that awaits us all from heaven. To experience this story yourself – as you read this and long after you put it down – you just need to say “yes.” Instead of fear, ego, or constant worry, let us allow these negative energies to fade away while we invite in the miracles from across the veil to gently tell us a story about how we are all ONE.

Lannette Jamieson has just decided that she will heal herself enough using the tools shown to her from across the veil in the seven and a half minutes that she clinically died and came back to life as she knows it. She will follow her heart and soul and create this never-been-done-before film for the world to watch and decide if together and as ONE we can elevate the collective thoughts so that we can create our own reality of health, abundance, compassion, balance and LOVE in a world that is struggling to feel anything but fear.

Certainly, in a place as foreign to her as Hollywood, one would feel this would be a challenge. That could not be farther from truth. Lannette will show how, when one is soul-connected to one’s higher self and also to the energies across the very thin veil that are there to help us achieve our wildest dreams and each of our souls’ missions, life will flow in divine choreography. Official meetings are never needed or desired and the synchronicity that brings in the soul clusters that were shown to her across the veil is magical, to say the least.

This film shows the importance of our past lives. Our Karmic energies which remain in our cube of consciousness, live there for all of us to beautifully balance together in harmony, which transforms our souls and lightens and elevates us so we can achieve limitlessness. Lannette was shown she would receive this child who will help her with her life’s mission, a soul that has helped her many times before. This clairvoyant and loving child will use his clear heart and his words of wisdom that are unhinged by the conditions of life around us to lead us to the big screen with the soul cluster that came here to create this magical film of truth, of purity, and love.

By throwing our heads back in laughter, we whisper to the universe sharing the ideas, the creative and channeled information with anyone who is wanting to know in film industry. It is both unheard of and refreshing not to have one meeting, but to pull together a feature film with some of the -most talented artists around the globe, who through divine choreography, find their way to THE SEED.

This film shows the miracles that await each of us and the tools that achieve the clearing and healing we each need if we want to move out of our own way and want to see what is real; the little synchronicities that make up our beautiful lives. What a wonderful idea to place all this magic into a film of mystery, historical insight, and creative divine light.

Funds raised to date $25M

Massimilliano Durante, Carmelo Pennisi and Lannette Jamieson

Several—some are here—some are to come!

TBA very soon


“Just over twenty years ago during my afterlife experience of near death I was shown many souls who may have the opportunity to use their ‘perceived power or societal positions’ to assist in creating a simple story to show much of what I experienced during my time on the other side. The below souls were shown to me during my life review as past life contracts that carried forward into this particular lifetime. I look forward to being open to the possibilities that may present or that may never be possible. The energies of these souls are ever present in The Seed Movement as the world struggles to find peace and unity.”- Lannette Jamieson

Leo Di Caprio, Ben Affleck, Oprah Winfrey, Jack Dorsey and Tom Brady.
As well as all original characters in film.

Love Like Heaven

A simple film that shows an openness to self discovery. Highlighting how the divine feminine can thrive within the unconditional love energies from healed and elevated divine masculine connections. This film was based on true life events and captures a story for the heart to feel its way through the journey without life’s expectations.”

This film is now being created as a first time ever film. It will be created in sovereign energies and during team play creative choreography where all is cherished and heard. This unified field of energy brings the film together in a  fashion of expression. It encapsulates an expanded consciousness. It will be a practice film for the Feature Film THE SEED created in Rome at the wonderful Cinecittà.

This soundtrack for THE SEED guides itself with incredible songs and musicians from around the globe.

These beautiful, creative + talented musicians find their way to both Lincoln + Lannette. For some souls it was as though they had been steering away from the current music industry energies, awaiting their very own seed. There they find the right energy + place for songs that are sung from their hearts, channeled from a higher dimension. The tunings that this music is created in are: 432hz – the miracle frequency or tone, and 528hz – the love frequency or tone. 

Music is medicine. At this pivotal time on the planet we can experience and feel these powerful frequencies in this heart centred music.

Please enjoy some of the incredible artists that came to playfully find the seed. Feel free to share what resonates with you. These songs are sovereign. They have been created, received and gifted back to the artists in sovereign energy, so we have no ownership surrounding them. The music is pure love + serves all. Very soon we will create powerful announcements around the musical energy that is The Seed Movement!

Stay tuned and enjoy the journey.

This slideshow encapsulates the places God has guided Lannette and Lincoln to. The different souls and countries all hold trapped energy and entanglements. The souls come together now to assist one another in releasing fear and unite in the power of Oneness. God is so present. The images are a showcase of what it is like to live outside of the Matrix reality. 

Enjoy the synchronicities!