The Seed

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The Seed Movement asks each soul to drop harmful, fear-based thoughts which result in constructing a higher reality of truth, purity and unconditional love from the small Seed that is planted within each of our hearts. We aim to assist in creating a stronger language of love energies and frequencies. It is a platform for living that can transform the shadow fear frequencies in each human being into much higher and brighter frequencies that will lighten the soul’s density emphasizing love and joy. When we let go of control, competitiveness and intense fear-driven thought patterns, we raise the frequency of our DNA, which, in turn, activates our higher selves and our higher life purpose.

The Seed practices of raising vibration and frequency become a bridge, a synarchy to higher dimensions that can literally bring heaven to earth. We co-create a playful atmosphere where every moment and experience operates in love, so that we can creatively play and live together in harmony. When each person expands and carries the vibration and frequency of love, all humanity can organically and authentically connect to the divinely devised choreography present as synchronicity and miracles. Fractal families and soul groups vibrating with high healthy dynamics create a reality that allows each of us to heal the shadows within our hearts, and then step into serving the universe by BEING peacekeepers, balancers and those people who uplift the world. 

God is always there for each of us to experience if we choose.

Join in while we create a love story for the world.


CHCH, Inside The Story

The seed movement is inspired to help every orphanage in the world….growing this initiative, one seed at a time.